Hi!, my name is Piyush Satti.
(Pee-you-sh Sah-thi)

About Me

I am a 2021 graduate from TIET. I am deeply invested in exploring new and impactful technologies.While I spend a majority of my time conducting research and freelancing, I make time to investigate some of the world's most wonderful inventions. Apart from these activities, I am a mass consumer of entertainment. Throughout my life, I have watched countless documentaries (been watching for 15+ wonderful years and going strong): everything from space to the deep-blue. Although, the accumulated knowladge has no direct impact on my day to day life, I feel richer and relaxed knowing that in the vast cosmos everything is ALWAYS working as intended.

I love to walk. Every new city I visit, I prefer to explore it on foot. I regularly walk 10+ miles thrice a week. I shall one day participate in walkathons and eventually graduate to marathons! I aim to take up hiking next. Moreoever, my favorite musical instrument is the classical bansuri.

My favorite people are:

My favorite songs are:

My favorite documentaries:

My favorite from YouTube:


I have previously worked on multiplier architectures and I currently working in the field of image denoising algorithms. My latest research investigations are related to application of neural networks in image denoising algorithms, especially, deep-networks and fuzzy-neuro networks. Towards this end I am completing the deep learning specialization by deeplearning.ai offered over coursera.

Future Research

Although, I am able to create novel research ideas and produce good papers, I want to further improve the quality of my work and also work in an environment with likeminded people. Moverover, deep-learning based computer vision research has caught my interest and I plan to pursue this field. To achieve these goals I wish to enroll in a reseach oriented master's degree in some of the best vision labs in the world.

Moreoever, while I wait for that opportunity, I aim to tackle the final beast. I want to develop an idea and a beautiful complimenting paper that is impactful enough in the field to be published in the IEEE Transactions.


I work part-time as a freelance blockchain and python developer. My latest projects are realted to NFTs and the ERC721 standard. I am currently writing smart contract for an NFT collection from one of the freelance team's regular clients.

i have worked on several python projects and am familiar with basics of a few key frameworks. However, my freelance success is dedicated solely to my can-do attitude. Although, I often "bite off more than I can chew" with my deliverable commitments, I deliever great on-time results. I have recently started using UpWork and aim to develop my freelance porfolio in the coming months.